
Do i belong?

by Guest56477  |  earlier

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i don't feel like i belong in my family. I'm not sure if i was adopted or not but everyone says i look like my dad. i don't feel like i belong because I'm different from the rest of my family. I'm very successful and smart. i don't do drugs or drink. most in my family do drugs and are alcoholics. I'm the tallest one in my family. all of my uncles and aunts get along with my brother but hardly ever have any thing to say to me. i can tell my brother is every ones favorite. my parents always listen when he talks, but if i talk they most the time ignore me or say they didn't here me. and it seems there against most things that i go along with. i guess my biggest question is if there is someway to find out if i was adopted. I've already asked my family but they deny it. so this is pretty much my only hope of really knowing for sure.




  1. quit with the drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. You probably weren't just turned out better than the rest.. Its happened before.

  3. Your probably were not adopted BUT you turned out better than the rest of your family. If they don't like you they are losing out on a great person..good luck

  4. Your reasons for believing you were adopted are quite "silly". I highly doubt you were adopted and if you family denies in then why don't you believe them. So what if you're a little taller..... which is possibly the only fact that even remotely hints at the fact you're adopted.
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