
Do i even have the slightest chance?

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i love dirt bikes and have ALWAYS loved motor sports. i have always wanted to do something BIG in my life. i just got my first dirt bike and to be honest its nothing special lol. i little trail bike and only a 125 (i cant fit on much bigger) well before this i was REALLY into planes. we went to the classes and i flew a couple of times...even piloted one and im only 15. i wanted to be a pilot SO badly and so i put all my time and concentration into acheiving that goal. well i was already having a really hard time in school but my father assumed that it was because of flight school that i was doing so badly (which is an excuse because i wasnt doing to grand beforehand either...and it didnt get better when i stopped going). well that combined with not enough money got me pulled out. i was really bummed. so i turned to dirt bikes...what i wanted to do beforehand but my parents thought EVEN less of. so i worked and got the money i needed and finally bought me a wee starter ttr to learn on..




  1. Polair Bear - you really made me giggle reading your question!

    You certainly have the enthusiasm and that's a good start.

    You seem to have a clear idea of where you want to go with your current hobby, and that's good too.

    You appear to have made an honest appraisal of your academic skills - or lack of them - that too is good.

    You also realise that turning out like "uncle Larry" is not gonna make you - or your folks happy.

    So that just leaves one MAJOR thing - can you - or someone who's opinion you trust - honestly say "I've got it!"   " IT" being that edge that is going to make you stand out from the crowd and make you keep at it when things look tough - or you get a knock back (on or off the track)? ?

    If you do honestly think that you will be able to win stuff (which is the botom line) then go for it!

    If you want something badly enough you will do everything in your power to get it - but some things are beyond our power

    So keep on riding and loving it and don't stress out about your dad trying to look out for you and keep you grounded -as in feet on the ground, looking at all the options. That's what parents do and he sounds like a pretty cool one to me (flying lessons!!!!)

  2. natural abillity...& the hunger for what you want.

    these are the things that get you where you want to go in life..

    Most of the current riders in the MOTO GP bikes started out riding in the dirt............

    so you could always swap to racing road bikes later. ( the skills you learn in the dirt help on the road)

    plenty of people start late & still make it to the top...

    Tiger Woods started early(learning golf) & got beaten in the US golf by a late starter.....

    SO there is always hope.... its just up to you as to how bad you want it..

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