
Do i get government help with my mortgage as a single parent?

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Do i get government help with my mortgage as a single parent?




  1. yes, benefits

  2. No, not just for being a single parent.

  3. You can get help if you are on low income through working tax credit but it depends on your income - this can then go towards your mortgage. You can also be eligible for reduction in council tax. You need to be collecting from your ex anyway!

  4. do i get govt help with a mortgage because i cant afford one.  i think you have your answer...........

  5. Nope. Not in the U.S., anyway. Single or married, if you qualified for a mortgage, it was assumed that you made enough money to pay for it. If you're in trouble with your mortgage now, you're in the same boat as hundreds of thousands of other homeowners in the U.S. There's no way the government has enough money to bail everyone out, nor should they,

  6. yes and no, if you suddenly fall ill or injured to point where its impossible to work and you have to go on benefits, the government will pay your mortgage, however they get the profits when the house is sold.

    you will not be able to get a mortgage if you are already on benefits and you will not get your mortgage paid just because you are a single mother.

    my advice is get a job,downsize, or go to the council.

    us tax payers get enough financial grief as it is without the unemployed taking advantage of our taxes.

    beggars cant be choosers im afraid

  7. If you are in UK and your income has fallen below a certain amount, you can get your mortgage interest (for first £100,000 only) paid by the state. Two conditions,

    1- your mortgage must have started before 2005.

    2- You have to waite almost 9 months from the date of claim before they pay the interest,

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