
Do i get internet in my desktop for free if i buy a wireless router? where i live there's lots of hot spot?

by  |  earlier

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what about a netgear router..




  1. No. You need to subscribe to a broadband account and then connect the router to it. To use other people's wireless without their express consent is illegal, even with their consent it is internationally considered stealing from their ISP. Not all wireless sites are hotspots. You can get up to 5 years in prison if you connect to a private one, if it is encrypted any attempt to connect is treated as attempting to crack encryption, with up to 30 years.

  2. You don't even need a wireless router for that. If you have a wireless card, you could, technically, never pay for internet if you just use other people's unsecured networks forever. Of course, if your neighbors find out, they probably won't be happy.

  3. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

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