
Do i get panic attacks?

by  |  earlier

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well last night i couldn't sleep

i started to feel as if my heart would just stop,

i felt as if i wouldn't breathe in as much as i should,

i felt sick and didn't have very good breathing

i gradually got to sleep after around half an hour

i still dont feel one hundred percent great now and feel sick?

hope you can help :(




  1. I am no way an expert i am not going to lie to you..But my friend suffered from panic attacks at the beginning of this year and she said to me that she felt:

    -Like her heart was going to give way..

    -Her pulse was fading (she was constantly looking for her pulse)

    -When she runs she thinks the tight chest everyone gets is a major health problem.. I am not being rude about her but that i what she went through..

    -She could never get to sleep as she worried about things.

    -This may be just her but she could never watch anything remotely scary or gory.. She would have nightmares it would happen to her.

    I would be sitting next to her and one moment she would be find then she would go 'Laura.. i really don't feel well..'

    And then she would start breathing really deeply but fast and then she would run out the room.

    It was obviously in her head as she was examined by doctors countless times and she was perfectly healthy..

    It hit at a time where she had been in a hospital and had an injection which she feared so much (a regular procedure) and then it spiraled out of control.

    She also thought her nostrils and air passages would be closing up..

    And she would hate eating food as she thought she couldn't breathe..

    At first i thought she was being a drama queen WHICH i regret very much as soon after i realized she was actually having panic attacks, and i helped her though it.


  2. No.  panic attacks are not like that at all.

  3. heyy

    i get panic attacks quite alot because of my anxiety. what you've described sounds like one but i'm not sure because

    - you didnt say you were feeling anxious/worried about anything

    - you didnt say you had them before

    - they shouldnt last as long as half an hour, unless its very extreme

    - you should feel ok now

    so i'm not to sure? if it happens again then it probably is, so just try to relax and concentate on your breathing. try not to worry about it though x

  4. That doesn't sound like a panic attack to me. I get panic attacks, and they are not supposed to last longer than a few minutes. Did you feel a sense of doom? Were you sweating? Did if you have an upsetting day? If not, I'm pretty sure you didn't have an attack. I would suggest you talk to a doctor if it happens again.  

  5. Could be panic, but could be something worse. I would defiantly go see my DR right away.

  6. Some of what you described are symptoms of a panic attack, but my experience of a panic attack also includes an overwhelming feeling of dread and helplessness, like the world is crashing down around you, and also sweating and restlessness.  Your mind will also race uncontrollably.  I don't typically get panic attacks in a low-stress environment, like in your home, but I suppose its possible.  What were you thinking about before you went to bed?  Are you highly stressed?  The other thing is that if you have a panic attack, you can actually feel quite fine not that long after it.  Everyone experiences them differently.  

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