
Do i go out with my friends enough?

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im 14 and i only go out with friends like once every 1-2week becos my parents split up and im only at my dads house were all my friends live once every 1-2week. all my m8s always go out like 5 times a week and i feel left out and that they wont me my mates in a few years time.....any ideas?




  1. uh. well first of all, that was kinda hard 2 understand but from what i think i get, i think so. i dont really go out with my friends that much either. my mom doesn't like me 2, and i dont wanna blow a ton of money. it's harder in the summer, but once school starts, u'll b c-ing them everyday and that'll b enough. do an afterschool club or sport 2gether and that could b extra time 2gether.  but really i think ur fine with once every 2 weeks or so. just call them instead of going out everyday.

  2. I know someone who's parents also have split up. All her mates live near her dads. But she spends most of her time at her mums. I told her that she should start having more sleepovers and things. She also had allot of local bus stops near her and it took her 15 - 20 minutes on the bus to go visit her friends. So she saw them allot in school and then after she went to her friends and then got on the bus around 7ish when she wanted to go home. She just made sure she had her phone with her allot to make sure she doesn't miss any calls from her friends! Hope my advice helps you! =)

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