
Do i got my right to claim his estate we been together for 2 years

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i been dating this guy for 2 years he`s divorce and have two kids and we been living together for almost one and half year my question do i hvae my right to claim some of his estate forinstants we broke up even though he have two child?

and for instant we got childrent do u think my children would get some of his estate even though he made a will that most of his stuff goes to his two kids with first wife?

please advise

[s in australia i heard if u been living together for six months u allowed to claim some of his estate but i am not sure




  1. You would have to have some "promise" from him.  WOuldn't even have to be in writing.  But if you don't have that, you aren't going to get anything.  On a plain piece of paper, write "If you die (and i hope you don't) i will get the car, 1/3 of the house, and the furniture".   If he refuses to sign, you have learned all you need to know. /

  2. If he wants he can leave each of your Children $1 and there's nothing you can do about it.  Just get child support for the kids.

  3. This sounds like a question about common law marriage.  In the United States, few if any States recognize common law marriage.  It sounds as though the rules are different in Australia, but I don't know what they are.

  4. I don't know about Australian law, but here in America, you would not be entitled to anything. Your children, however, could be. If his will was old and hadn't been updated since you had your children, they may have a case. It will be more difficult if he made the will after your children were born, as that would indicate that he purposely left them out. Plus, if they are minors, you may be entitled to child support from the estate.

  5. Doubtful.  This is a matter for a lawyer.

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