
Do i have Bipolar Disorder?

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i get mad at people for the little things like when people touch me or when there looking at my stuff or just anything i blow it off then im happy again but this one time someone pulled me back when i was trying to do something i yelled DONT TOUCH ME! idk what came over me but today i was laughing and having fun then i felt like i wanted to cry and punch someone so i walked and i started crying and i said i wanted to die just somedays im like that but now i just want to sleep till like 12:00PM and when i try to move everything hurts im sore for like no reason some days i feel i want to kill myself or i get really mad i know im depressed but when i tried to tell my mom she like no your not and wont believe me my brother calls me name and hurts me my mom does not care at all and tell me to go away when i want her when i tried to tell my friends they laughed and did noting plz help me im only 12 YEARS OLD




  1. Well, I don't know enough about you or bipolar disorder but it's obvious that you need proffessional help. The only thing that is not so abnormal about your behavior is that you sleep in. Teenagers need alot of sleep.  Make an appointment and see your doctor about this. If you don't have a way to get there, talk to a counselor at school, your principal, an aunt, anyone who will listen. Please don't expect to get the answers to your problem on here, like I said, talk to a proffessional.

  2. Talk to your counselors at school.  And keep talking to them until they do something to look into helping you.  Don't give up.  

  3. It sounds like you probably do, but I can't be completely sure. If your parents won't listen, you should talk to your school councilors about getting tested. If you can't wait for school to stop, you can look up some mental health clinics in your area and ask them about getting tested. If your mom tries to stop you, you need to tell someone else because you have the right to get help. Luckily, nowadays there are many meds to help you. There's no magic pill to make your problems go away, but they can limit your reactions to those problems.

    If you aren't bipolar, you possibly have severe depression. I was almost that bad with severe depression.

  4. you might have bipolar disorder.It seemed like you were having severe mood changes, which is bipolar. When you feel really depressed and then you feel really angry and your moods change a lot is a sign of bipolar disorder. I suggest you talk to your parents or get some kind of help

    If the depression is severly bad and the anger is severly bad then you could have it.

    you can look at this site for more information

  5. No you don't have bpd - you are experiencing something us old uns call 'growing pains' which are literally as you describe them .... your body is beginning to go through the changes to achieve adulthood and through this your hormones are all over the place - which influences your moods and feelings and responses to every day things .... if you haven't yet you may well be on the verge of starting your menstrual cycles - which us older girls/women will tell you give you the same symptoms roughly one week in every four for a few years!..... go see your doctor for a check up .... it may be that you may be deficient in vitamins and/or minerals .... tiny imbalances that need to be addressed to meet your body's new requirements can easily be remedied ie the B vitamins, iron, calcium .....

    Welcome to the world of women!  

  6. you may or may not be bipolar

    don't be so quick to label yourself

    study your symptoms and also look on this website

    they have success stories for example for bipolar, type it into search

    also eat healthy, get plenty of sleep

    also have your dr run some tests , you may be deficient of something

    or allergies can cause something too

    good luck

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