
Do i have a brain disease?

by  |  earlier

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everyone tells me that i look high and actually i feel high but i haven't smoked since june so i don't exactly know whats wrong i havent taken any illegal pills or actually done anything bad i and maby every couple weeks my head clears up can u help???

please no stupid answers




  1. Im assuming you are talking about marijuanna, which is stored in your fat cells.  That is why it lasts so long in your system as compared to some other things, like alcohol for example.  Since it is stored in your fat cells, when you exercise or use energy that is produced from those cells, some of the residual "leftovers" from previous drug use can cause people to feel euphoricas they are released back into your system.----so Ive heard

  2. why do so few people seem to realize that diagnoses based on one sentence of information are impossible?

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