
Do i have a brain tumor? i have overwhelming anxiety?

by  |  earlier

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im getting really bad sharp pains on both sides of my head and it feels like someones stabbing a medal stick on one side and trying to pull iot on from the other...

and my overwhelming anxiety is making me more scared and worried and the headaches wont go away because of how much i think about it... and im getting dull headaches in the front by the sinus area (no fever no stuffy nose)

when i seem to be having fun they go away but come back when im not again or when i come back home from somewhere else...

im taking med for the pain but its not helping...

and this terroring feeling inside my head is killing me and my anxiety is making me think tht i have something serious like a brain tumor...

i've also been very tired and got headaches and weird like pains/numbness for like 2-3 seconds in random places...

does tht sound like a brain tumor to u? it doesnt seem to happen when i dont think about it...

this is making me stressed out and depressed so please HELP ME! i greatly appreciate it! ... oh yea and im a 13 yr old female... hope tht helped..




  1. I am not a doctor, so this is not meant as medical advice.  But with pain as serious as you describe, you should see a doctor.

    This sounds like a migraine headache.  The good news: This is not uncommon among adolescents.  About 20-30% of teens suffer from migraines.

    The bad news: Knowing that other people have the same problem doesn't make your pain go away.

    So, again: See a doctor about this.  They will be able to give you a more certain diagnosis, and prescribe treatment.

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