
Do i have a flying fear?

by  |  earlier

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i do not like flying ( on a air plane) when i'm in the gate waiting for the plane, going onto it, taking off and landing makes me feel uncomfortable. okay, so about everything about flying i do not like. is it a fear? i'm not totally freaked out just a little..




  1. You have a little anxiety about it, which is a normal thing.  Most people, especially those who don't fly very often, have a certain degree of fear about it.  But I don't think you have a phobia or anything like that.

  2. Its usual to get nervous on flights if your not used to them

    personally im terrified of heights so the fact that i am so high up in the air freaks me but not the actual flying

    i try to think of it as you are much more likely to be in a car accident than a plane accident and that helps ease anxiety

    try getting something to relax you on your flight and sitting away from the window can help :)

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