
Do i have a fracture or hairline fracture or something else??

by  |  earlier

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I had football practice and some land with there knee right on my heal and now it has sharp panes and i can barely walk on it. What do you think i should do?




  1. stay off of it until you can get an x-ray.

  2. get a x-ray ,

  3. Go to the doctor NOW!  The heel may seem tough, but you've got a lot of delicate bones, etc, in your feet.  If it's hurting, that means something is wrong.  If you wait too long, you are going to have worse problems.  Think about it--we use our feet all the time, so using an injured foot/heel, is just going to do that much more damage.  Sounds like you need an X-ray to find out what's going on there.

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