
Do i have a good feet to dance ballet?

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i have a rather peculiar feet. they are very wide. the bone just below my big toe juts out a lot, causing it to look wide and very hard for me to find shoes. and the area just above my foot, i suppose it's my ankle, rolls inwards. know what i mean? it sort of, juts out too. so my foot looks very weird. is it ok to dance ballet like that? my feel looks really clumsy.

my ballet teacher told me you will have to have good arches to point beautifully. she says i have a little arch too, but not quite visible. but what is an arch? where is it? how can i improve it? and how can i make my foot longer? and narrower? because my foot is not very long and it is very wide, it looks very bad then.

and my friend, her feet has problems too. the bone below her big toe juts out too, but the lower part of her foot is very narrow, it does not roll in. it is very narrow. is it a good or bad thing?

what are good exercises to make my foot point more? i'm 14 and just started ballet, so i need help.




  1. Well to start, your arch is on the bottom of your foot. It is the space between your toes and heel that hopefully goes up and 'arches'. Some people have regular arches, which are slightly arched, some have high arches and some have very very little arches also known as flat feet. No, you can't change your arch/foot. Changing your arch would be increasing the arch of your bones in your foot. Obviously, that is not possible. But, it is not always impossible to dance ballet with flat feet or overly high arches. Although it is best to have 'regular' (medium) sized arches especially when you get on pointe, it is not impossible to dance ballet with flat or high arches. Like someone above me said, you can't help what God gave you, so work on what you can change. Practice makes perfect (:

    Best of luck!!!

  2. The arch Is the Place In  your foot that goes up. Ok let me try to explain this. K look at the bottom of your foot. You see that there is the heel and then there are your toes and inbetween those your foot arches up. (you see) and That is Your Arch. Some Have Higher Arches Than Others and are able to pointe harder. Here are some Pictures

    And You cant change the way your feet are. God gave them to you the way they are =)

  3. this sounds similar to my sisters feet, except hers were to narrow to find shoes. You may have to get some soles for your regular shoes, to help get your ankles up. My sister had to stop dancing because her ankles leanined in and hurt her knees and sides of her feet. so u may need to look into that if  u wish to farther your dancing and avoid injury. Other than that, i have never heard of anyone possibly being able to have feet that arent right for ballet, and  ive been taking ballet for 7 yrs now

  4. unfortunatley ballet is one of those cruel sports where you can be born with gifts that make it sooo much easier. Good arches and natural flexibility or natural turning ability make you a better dancer. those of us not gifted have to work harder to get what we want. you dont have to have the perfect feet to be a dancer. you do need a semi good arch. flexing and pointing will increase strength and also standing on top of you toes will stretch it a bit. dont give up, you just have to work harder because you werent born with it...

  5. nobody can determine "good feet" for ballet.  it's all determined from dancing experience.

  6. It Doesn't Matter How Your Feet Are! I Use To Be A Ballernia When I Was 4 Years Old!!! And From What I Remember, It  Didn't  Matter How Are Feet Were !!

  7. You can't change your foot it is what it is.

    And it's kind of sad you don't know what an arch is.

    Go google it.

    But yea, with bad feet your turn-outs and arches might not be as strong.

    Just being honest.

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