
Do i have a life????????????????????

by  |  earlier

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this is what i do-

wake up at 11

then eat

then go to my cousins house

then eat

go home


then sleep at 3 in the morning

honestly tell me




  1. No sadly you don't.  Try doing something different like waking up earlier and going to a city. Or better yet, get a girl friend and make her your wife, then have kids and then you'll have a great life.

  2. well it depends on other activities that you do.. are you involved in school or maybe a part time job? I'm guessing your a teenager.. everyone has a life its just what you make of it. Its your job to make it interesting!

  3. depends. is that what you do everyday?

  4. It sounds like you don't think so. I think you got it soft and you're are not appreciating it. The food must have been tasty, the walk or drive down the road might have some lovely gardens or trees. At 3 in the morning it is absolutely quite and peaceful.

    Wanna know what my life is like - Work, crying children, an old nagging mother, a broken car or a broken toilet or something else. I got to buy food, pay the electricity bills, pay, pay. It never ends.

    With these times comes the good times. I get to do something constructive and I feel proud that I am a functioning part of society, occasionally I get some priceless smiles from my children, Sometimes they help me after I prod them. My mum tells me something nice, there are a few days when my car runs smoothly. Sometimes I am lucky and I have a few coins left in my pocket to buy something I like, like a piece of bubblegum.

    Perhaps you need a bit of misery in your life to appreciate the good life you got. Perhaps you need to think about what life is like in Somalia? Perhaps you are growing up and you need to take on some responsibility.  

  5. You do!....Just needs a little more variation to make it interesting =]

    Try doing something with friends every week or something :)


  6. everyone has a life  its you that makes it dull

  7. That depends on how old you are?

  8. you have a life just a boring non social life

  9. Well if you are young and this is your summer you have a normal life...if you are 40 and don't have a job...this is not really normal.

  10. No job? No activities?  No other friends?  I think your question was already answered by yourself.

  11. Not at all

  12. Of course you do! May not be the best thing to do in life, but at least you're not like me who's caged in at home mostly just for the sake of computer. Just despite the last few months when I appeared to come out often. And for the occasional times.

  13. A life is a life. Being on the computer all day is a life too. I mean come on!

  14. wow thats all... well not really...

  15. Not really

  16. no

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