
Do i have a low iron level?

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My iron level is 11.6, is this very low?

I went to give blood,

and they wouldn't have it because of this,

but they said it's not serious?





  1. You aren't sick or anything, but that's a little below normal (which is 13)  Try eating more green leafy veggies and red meat and that level will pop up in no time.

  2. Yes, 11.6 is a low iron level.  The normal range for a female is between about 50-150, and a bit higher (i think?) for a male.  You should go to your doctor, and they can do simple blood tests to confirm the numbers and perhaps put you on iron supplements.  In the meantime, it wouldn't be a bad idea to start taking a multivitamin (if you don't already) with 100% DV of iron.  Don't try to take anything over this amount without a doctor's permission... ingesting too much iron can be very dangerous!

    I once had a blood test done for other reasons, and the doctor came back and said my iron level was a 9. She acted like she was amazed that I was still upright and not passed out on the floor and too tired to do anything.  If you've been feeling tired and sluggish lately, your low iron may be the reason.  It's possible that you don't notice these symptoms since their onset is so slow... that's what happened to me.  Once I started taking the supplements and got my iron levels boosted back up where they belonged, I was amazed at how much energy I had!

  3. The "iron level" they got from the finger stick is not the same as the traditional "iron level" in iron in your blood.  The 11.6 level that they gave you is your hemoglobin level.  In other words it's a test to pretty much determine how much blood you have.  A hemoglobin level of 11.6 is a little on the low side for a woman, but very low for donor eligibility. To donate blood, the general guideline is to have a hemoglobin level of 12.5 or higher, otherwise donating a whole unit of blood could cause you to become anemic and possibly to faint from blood loss.

    Now, a round about way to guestimate your iron level is to do so by checking your hemoglobin level.  Red blood cells are made up of hemoglobin which carries oxygen to your lungs.  Hemoglobin is made up of generally four iron molecules.  Therefore, if you get your blood iron level checked at the doctors office it will be more like 44 or higher, but 44 is just a guestimate from your hemoglobin level and for a more accurate level and if you are really worried you should get your doctor to do a iron level on you from your blood.  For more info on how blood works, check out this site:


    Therefore when they tell you what your "iron level" is at the blood donation center, they are not actually giving you your iron count, so don't worry if 11.6 sounds low for an iron level because that's not what your actual iron level is in your blood.  

    A little bit more explanation from the red cross is here:

    Normal ranges of hemoglobin are here:

  4. It's not serious, but it is low.  You just need a good multi-vitamin that has iron.  Low iron levels in the blood is called anemia.  If it gets too low, you can experience dizziness, fatigue and sometimes black out.

  5. Best way to get good iron levels in your blood is natural over a supplement. Green leafies and beans. Your body does better with this stuff than with iron pills which are great if you need them, but have side effects.

  6. Ya you are totally ok. I was told that too about a year ago, but I just took an iron supplement and it went back up right away. You can get supplements pretty much anywhere. I got mine at walmart.

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