
Do i have a low sef-esteem?????

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Ok. I have thi s like problem. I am really really shy when it comes to boys that I think is cute,s**y,hot,fine,ohh, etc..... Evrytime i am around a boy that i am attracted I tense up. I get really realy quiet and i cant stay still. i mean even when a dude tells me h e is attracted to me i still be scared to talk to them. i really cant approach a dude. i am just afraid of gettin rejected. does that mean i have a low self'- esteem????




  1. No, you just feel that if they say no you will be lost.  Unless you have a twin I would not worry about getting rejected.  You have nothing to lose if he says no but a whole lot to gain if you just ask.  Life is what you make it and if you feel you are suppose to have someone then that will be the path you will take.

  2. If he tells you he fancies you then you shouldn't be shy! But it does sound to me like you do have low self confidence, if you're not comfortable with yourself, take the time to appreciate your aspects. If you're uncomfortable on the outside, then maybe go shopping and get a new look that suits you, it might just help you to feel better about yourself.

    Don't be scared of getting rejected, because even if the boy is attractive you will have to become friends first anyway!

  3. its ok to be shy. but dont let it rule yr life.

    jus broaden yr horizens and meet ppl , go out more and soon you will feel good and more open.

    u jus need the confidence. goodluck.

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