
Do i have a medical condition?

by  |  earlier

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i know im prob just crazy xD better safe than sorry though

i usualy eat a h**l of alot of food, mainly chocolate and crisps like i get through 10 packets a day snacking easy, i am not overweight i am quite thin.

2 days ago i thought id go a week without snackin on c**p and see how it goes, i am extremely tired all the time now, i eat regular meals still and eat a h**l of alot in them too, is something wrong? thanks




  1. you may just be lucky and be one of those annoying people who can eat anything.

    Have you ever had your thyroid tested? i uses to be like that but i had other symptoms too and i had an overactive thyroid - if your worried go to your doctors and ask for a test.

  2. go see the doctor, ever thought that you may have worms!

  3. It could be your body trying to detoxify after such a long history of poor food choices.  It is not at all uncommon to experience symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, moodiness, and bloating while transitioning away from processed junk foods.  You may also have issues with blood sugar control, and I would suggest to talk to your doctor just in case.

    Good luck!

  4. It is important to know your age and what you eat.

    if with normal food, you always feel tired, go and see a doctor and explain the whole thing to him.

    You may have a low blood sugar condition called "Hypoglycemia"

  5. well only thing wrong is that you're not doing your body a whole lot of good. You need to try and have a balanced diet and look after yourself. Cut down the amount of crisps and chocolate you eat slowly, not just suddenly.

    if you're worried go and see a doctor and talk to them, hopefully they will stop you worrying.

  6. You may just have a very high metabolism. I do too.

  7. if u were a girl id say u were pregnant! maybe ur anemic (low iron) i have to eat oftern as i feel faint or sick if i dnt, ur doctor can prescribe iron tablets-book an appointment  

  8. you could have diabetes. Usually when someone diabetic who depends on sugar doesen't get enough, they will feel tired and evenually get ill. Im no expert so maybe you should trust the other answers better lol. Search on wiki about diabetes and find out what the symtoms are.. maybe their similar to yours.

  9. Your taste buds evolved to identify the highest calorie foods..sugars and fats. You started eating healthy.....your brain probably thinks you're dying as crsips and chocolate are nearly pure fat and sugar....its a kind of withdrawl syndrome I guess. You may need to up your intake of plain foods to compensate for lost "fuel"

    You don't have diabetes

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