
Do i have a mental problem if im a teenager and i dont want to go to a picnick with my mom?

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Do i have a mental problem if im a teenager and i dont want to go to a picnick with my mom?




  1. No I'd have to say that makes you pretty normal.

  2. picnic thats how u spell it, and no u do not have a mental problem just say i dont want to now mom because ( make up a lie ) then say i will go with u ( pick a day when u are bored out of your mind) then go with your mom and have a boring time bye.

  3. no, that makes you absolutely normal. every teenager wants to distance themselves from their parents. and their parents embarass them to no end. that's how it works!!

  4. What gives you that impression? Mental health problems are somewhat more serious than not wanting to go on a pic-nic. Not wanting to go on a pic-nic is just how you feel.

    Go on the pic-nic, you'll enjoy it once you're there.

  5. You are perfectly normal.

    Since your mom loves you, she wants you to be with her when she is happy.

    But for the sake of the famile, or especially for your mon, go with her you may feel better when you go there!

    Love your mon.

    and Good Luck!

  6. no youre just smart.

    My mother bought an inflateable "boat" from wal mart and she loves going on a lake with that thing.  I live in a small town you see so If i went on her embarassing "boat" with her. People would see me and never let me live it down.  She keeps begging me to go on that stupid thing. I wont do it for my life...

    here's a pic of it

  7. No. It's normal for teens not to want to be seen in public with their parents.  Parents aren't high on their list of people they want to spend time with either.  That's also normal.  But don't forget that you are high on HER list of people she wants to spend time with. So I hope you'll give your mother at least a little of your time in private.  Just sit down and talk to her for a few minutes.  Have a meal with her. Do a chore for her, or better yet, with her. She'll probably be ecstatic.  

  8. No, lots of teenagers don't want to be around their parents. I know more than half the time i would just rather be in my room iming my friends

  9. no you are normal

  10. no your just normal. hang with parentals is just not your idea of fun these days

  11. nope ur a normal teenager

  12. What? Um... No!  

  13. No you don't.

  14. ok no your fine. most teenagers r like that. I'm 13 and like that. like yesterday my mom was trying 2 think of a good date 4 me and my bf 2 go on. u know what she came up with mini golf. i was like mom i love u but ur embarrassing. then i talked her into letting me and my bf go 2 a movie together. it like way normal to be embarrassed by ur parents. take it from a true teenager ur fine and not mental

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