
Do i have a reading disability?

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ok, i do really good reading aloud but i have problems remembering what i read. i don't do too well when it comes to quizzes about books, or comprehension questions. i've gone through this since 6th grade. i have reading in school now but im afraid to get help from teacher cause i hate asking for help in the front of my class.

please tell me whats wrong :/




  1. it could be seek attention from your teacher or guidance councilor if you have one at your school. also if you're still in middle school,or high school talk with your guarding about this they can help also to get you the necessary help.its good that you notice that threes a problem .most people don't know about learning disability so they go through life not getting help not knowing the facts about learning disability.don't you be one of them talk to someone you can get help on your reading and other things you need help on.I know some people who have a learning disability they cant read good or at all,they read slower then other people,they finished there work slower then others in school or work,they cant concentrate at all,theses are some of the disability some people have

  2. I think this is just a symptom of the rich pattern and variation amongst people.  

    Your teachers may worry that you did not understand what you read.  memory can be improved over time.  You could practise reading a few pages then telling someone esle what happened.  You could even do this with TV programmes - ask one of your parents if you can describe part of a programme to them, perhaps ask them to do teh same for you.  Gradually you will think more around what you read and probably remember it more.

    If you download a copy of the Inspiration mind mapping and use one of the English Literature templates - character web, for example to conjure up a picture of a story it might help (the demo copy will work for 30 days)  here is a link to a mind map about Macbeth

  3. i dont know whats wrong but how about you go and ask the teacher in private. tell her or him whats going on

  4. It sounds more like a problem with your memory.

    You don't have to ask the teacher in front of the rest of the class.

    You can get to class a little bit early or stay back for a few minutes and talk to them about getting some help.

    You could also go to their office during recess/lunch time when there will be no other students around. Although you may still need to do it in front of other staff if they share an office. If this is the case ask if there is somewhere you can speak in private.

  5. It is decidedly so.

  6. Ask this on .

       Dyslexia is caused by the lack of a "brain wire" .

    Is a complete lack of reading comprehension caused by the lack of a different missing wire?

      You are not the only one with this problem. I have never seen a research based answer addressing the cause of this problem.

  7. Quite possibly. You definitely have problems with capitalization and punctuation.

  8. I have a similar problem. I know that the problem for me is really a little bit of brain damage in that part of the brain (and only that part).

  9. You may have a reading disability.  Many kids with average intelligence or better start showing real trouble in middle and high school where it's normal for them not to have a lot of difficulty beforehand.  Can you talk to a parent?  To get you tested for free, all they would have to do to get things started is to write a letter to your teacher requesting an evaluation for special education.   In the meantime, particularly over the summer, have your mom buy a couple of reading books from a teacher supply store.  You could study and help yourself out alot.  Another easy to do thing is to read on your own.  You want to choose books that are easy for you to read.  Maybe a couple of unfamiliar words here and there, but mostly easy.   Are you doing AR?

  10. Talk to your teacher after class about it, when everyone else is gone. Teachers are understanding about things like this, don't worry.

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