
Do i have a reason? Or does she?

by  |  earlier

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During the first year of middle school, i made some new friends and stuff, but 1 of them was kind of jelouse about me hanging out with one of our friend. She even told me and her she was jelouse! So now on facebook and msn, when ever i try tlking to her, and shes online, she dsnt reply most of the time, but to my other friend she does, or on the phone, if i call her she won't pick up, if my friend calls her after she does! like wtf is happening i'm so confused, i know she might have been jelouse but does have a reason to be mad? Or do i?




  1. Relax, take it from a big brother, I know it seems rough right now but my sister went through all the same sorts of drama, simply put kids are mean. To me it sounds like this girl who is ignoring you is being rather childish. You can feed into it, or you can go on with life as though none of this matters, because in the grand scheme, does it? As far as her jealousy, my mother always used to say "If someone doesn't like something about me, they have their whole lives to get over it."

  2. Hahahaha!!!!!!! She's SOOOO jealous of you!!!!!! Just ignore her. If she's going to treat you like c**p then you don't need her. Try to explain that to your friends that the girl IS talking to and maybe they'll realize what a jerkface she is and stand up for you. That's what I think you should do :-)

  3. Remember as a young teen, these things seem to be important. But let me assure you that it is not important what she thinks and if she is really jealous.

    What is important is how you handle the situation. Ask your friend that you are hanging out with if she wants to continue to hang out with you. If she does, then don't worry about the other girl that is acting like a 2 yo.

  4. She doesn't have a reason to be mad at you! Seriously-that girl isn't acting like a true friend. You can have as many friends as you want! You are aloud to hang out with who you want to be. I think she might just be feeling left out, You should try talking to her at school, And say "Hey, We should hang out tonight/sometime" And then try to even it out. Spend time with ALL your friends, and things might get better! :)

  5. try to make up with her some how but if she still ignores you sud have a fight with her and den she wont ignore u serisoly tho find a new frined shes ovbisoly not worth it ur 2 gd 4 her x

  6. I feel if she's jealous over a friend, maybe she wasnt such a friend after all! If she's friends with the person she's jealous of, she isnt a true friend!

    yes I'd be mad or upset, but I wouldnt let it get to me! Your real friends will stand out! and it doesnt sound like she is!

    good luck sweetie

  7. Either she is trying to ignore you or purposely not trying to talk to you for some personal reasons.

    Its better u meet her personally once and ask her the reason for this.

  8. Jealous

  9. you do. Jealousy is a useless emotion. she should contain it or get over it.  either way not your problem. Go have fun with your friend without her

  10. No she has no reason to be mad. but you do. You can't just ditch one of your other friends cause your other friend is jealous. Either she likes you.. and doesn't want to tell you. and is trying to show you in a ill mannered way, or is really S****y with the person your friends with.

    best thing is for you to talk to her in person, then she can't avoid you. Make sure you have what you have to say right.. and ready for what she has to say. because what shes doing is pretty wrong.

  11. She is a jealous person.

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