
Do i have a right to be mad?... and what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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me and my stupid, fickle friends have had plans for like a month. everybody tells me that they're spending the night at my house and i do all this planning and stuff. and they all flaked out on me at the last minute because they have tennis tryouts in the morning. they've known about this for a month. and now they're just letting me know?

the night before!!!

this year has been nothing but drama and tears. i'm just now seeing that i don't even LIKE them anymore.

they're too unrelieable and too dramatic. i'm sooo sick of them. but i'm like trapped. should i tell them i'm over them or should i gradually fade away? and what if i like some of my friends, but not others and we're all in the same clique? plus we all do cheerleading together, so i'm around them a lot...




  1. You don't need them if they're just gonna hurt you and let you down, i know you would probably find more friends than them, just tell them how you feel, do what's best for you, girlfriend!

  2. you got all the right to be mad!!!people that acts like they did are not friends .. but you dont have to fade away just be youre self and keep on going with youre life like nothing happen but soon they will know that they lost  youre trust  and with out trust there is nothing. so dont be sad / be thank full that they did not hurt you in any other way. love allways ,,, jose

  3. I kinda know how you feel, all my life I've been the plan maker the friend that everyone can turn to, but can never turn to anyone else. Don't let them hurt you, but keep the friends you like. Explain to them MATURELY how you feel and make sure they get the message, let them do with it what they will and if they find it offensive and they no longer want to be friends then forget about em' make some new friends and keep living life.

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