
Do i have a serious personality or am i just more mature

by Guest33466  |  earlier

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I'm a 16 year old girl and i feel like i either have a serious personality or im alot more mature than the other kids my age. I dont drink or smoke, im really serious about school and i take my work very serious, even though its just a minimal wage job. My friends are always like "No regrets, lets party it up have fun while we're young..."

i feel like just hanging out with friends sometimes is a waste of time. (that probaly sounds really snobbish, but I'm no snob!) I dont think the same things they think are funny, although i think i have a sense of humor. Do you think i need to "lighten up" as some of my friends state?

Thankyou in advance




  1. you might need to broaden your circle of friends.  find some people that share your desires, goals and dedication.  keep your old friends but just respect that fact that you have other interests.  i think its great you find hanging out a waste of time - if i knew then what i know now, i'd have a spent a less time hanging out when i was younger and more time engaging in life and all that it has to offer.  good luck.  you sound like a lucky girl to have so much insight at such a young age.

  2. You sound very mature. Hang in there, you sound like an awesome person too! Looking back at my younger years I wish that I would have been more serious about my life and my future. It sounds like you have a different value system, "world view" than most your friends, and there isn't any thing wrong with that! Your beliefs or ideals of work, school, and play are grounded in integrity and character. You probably have a great sense of humor, you just don't find demeaning things funny. Feel free to lighten up, as long as it does not compromise your values. The world needs more people like you!  

  3. I suggest that you continue to be your own person. Stay focused on what is important to you. If you are involved in an activity that appears to be a waste of time, then at least for you IT IS!

    But don't lose sight of the fact that every person needs, & deserves a break once in awhile. Don't be afraid to give yourself permission to enjoy some leisure time. Just make sure that it is safe, legal, & FUN for you.

  4. yes, it sounds like u are more mature than ur friends, thats a good thing!  alot of kids dont ever grow up, i know some that still party and do stupid things and they r 50!  You have a good head on ur shoulders and you care about ur futur and urself enough to do the right thing...i was that way when i was young, doesnt mena u cant still have fun...yes u ARE more mature, and thats a great thing!  ur parents raise u right! ;)

  5. First of all my parents would LOVE to have you as their kid. And I would just be myself. You sound more mature. Thats a good thing that you are serious about your future

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