
Do i have a special gift?

by  |  earlier

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i am 11 years old everyone says I have a beautiful voice, i know to play the piano, i know have to act, i know how to make myself cry out of the blue, i am a ballerina, i am a hip-hop dancer, and i looooooooove to write stories sometimes I can't believe that I know how to do all this stuff and trust me i AM NOT BRAGGING i jus wanna know do i have a special talent or does everyone have gifts like this?




  1. how is anyone supposed to know? sounds like you do alot of stuff but noone can say if your especially good at them unitl they experience your talent. Hint:go with what everyone says just dont turn into a stuck up person lol

  2. well, i think you do...keep up the good wanted to play the piano but ive been playing the guitar...and i write my own songs, knit, make jewelry (surfer style), play lacrosse, Track, Volleyball, Drama Club, write poems/short stories, and i help kids with special needs. So yea, its good to keep yourself busy because you'll stay out of trouble better. good luck

  3. It sounds like you do.  Hmmm i surprised that @ only 11 your parents--are letting you on a forum like this.  I would say if you dont live in a big city then you should go to one and see how your talents measure up to students in arts classes there, or just go to a higher level special arts program in your area.  I wish you all the best but just because you are good @ things does not mean you're the best.  Maybe typing &  grammar are new things you can master?

  4. im 15 years old and evryone says i have a beautiful voice, i know hwoo to play the piano, i know how to act, i play varsity bball, im  a hiphop dancer, and im a rly good artist and sometimes i cant believe that i kno how to do all this stuff(oh, and i speak 4 languages, no joke) and trust me I AM NOT BRAGGING cuz about 50% of the world has more than just one talent. some ppl only have two or three but i kno alot of ppl who have more that just those two or three. its not rly a special talent to be good at all these things, its just that evryone feels special aboput there talents once in a while. happy to hear u have all those talents tho. ^_~

  5. how would we possibly know over the internet?

    thousands of people thought they were good on american idol and they got the boot...

    chances are you dont have what it takes, sorry.

  6. this is wat u call a 'gift'

    not everyone has 'gifts' like this, only some people get this special gift... its not so easy to receive ... it takes time.

    wat u have done has become a wonderful gift that is inside u, impossible to take out.

    you will turn out very good in the future.

    im looking forward to hear from you!

    ily <33

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