
Do i have a stress fracture?

by  |  earlier

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so ive been a competition dancer for the last five years and ive never had any problems with my foot like this before. lately part of my foot between my toes and the rest of my foot randomly starts hurting. it feels like its not connected and sometimes feels like its being shocked or something. it usually gets worse during pointe or while im turning on it. when im just sitting around its okay though.

is this a stress fracture? or something else?

if it is a stress fracture, how do i treat it? please help!




  1. i had stress fractures in my shins when i played soccer. it usually only bothered me when i was moving around...especially when we practiced because we were practicing indoors at the time which is what the doctor said could have caused it.

    i'd say go get an x-ray. i waited awhile to go and it just made it worse and i had to stop playing.

  2. go to see your doctor. things like this could affect you for the rest of your life. don't ask medical advice from random people. i'm not being mean. i'm saying this because i'm worried about you.  

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