
Do i have an 'okay' starting kit for a new kitten!?

by  |  earlier

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I am adopting a kitten tomorrow and want to make sure i have the essentials.....however i dont have much money for the luxuries yet!

so is this enough!? :

-water/food bowl

-litter box


-kitten food

-and a cat nip scratch pad thing

(will this help prevent the kitten from scratching on furniture and such?)

is that good enough for now?!

any suggestions on ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated!




  1. It wont keep him from scratching,but a spray bottle filled with water will,when he starts scratching the furniture spray him.

    Give them plenty of love,he'll miss his momma for a few days.

    that's plenty of supplies for now kittens will play with anything, they love paper bags and boxes.

  2. Cats love to chase things, especially when they are playful kittens. Dragging a piece of string with feathers or something tied to the end is just fine, you can make it or buy a nicer one at a pet store. Just don't let the kitten get a hold of it by itself, it might eat it and get it tangled in its intestine.

  3. a bed or blanket for it to sleep on, especially if its just taken from its mother, it may need something to snuggle up in. I bought a bed for mine but he ended up never using it, he loves the feel of fleece blankets so eventually I bought him one.  

  4. Sounds like you've got the basics covered. Your kitten will need some toys, and you can make many of those yourself. Crumple up a ball of paper for example.  You may also want to get a brush. Our beloved cats are hairy critters! It is best to get the kitten used to being brushed right from day one, then they really love it.

    You will need to train your kitten where to scratch. Make sure you have a nice scratching post. This is not a luxury. When he starts scratching the furniture or whatever, calmly bring him to the scratching post and encourage him to scratch there.

    Enjoy your kitty!

  5. those things are good for the 1st few nights..but if its a long hair cat u will also need a brush and u will need to get nail clippers soon...starting a kitten at a young age with a groomin routine is a good idea or they will get hostile when u try to groom them as an adult. Also...providing it with a scratching toy is a good idea but it doesnt mean it will use ONLY that toy...u will have to grab it when it scratches something else and say NO...then place it with its scratch toy...this will teach it THAT is what it scratches may take a while for them to get the idea. or they have no scratch sprays at pet stores. good luck!

  6. Looks good to me.  You can always make toys out of things around the house...  my kittens love drinking straws, I just tie them in knots and they carry them all around the house.  Sometime you can also find cheap little toys at the dollar store.  Good Luck, Kittens love to play!

  7. Its sounds great but just to let you know, the cheap cat nip scratch pad thing that I got was basically cardboard with catnip in it and the cat tore it to shreads all over my living room and I had to clean it up so I would get a toy like a little fish that has some in there or put some catnip in an old sock and tie a knot. It works the same.

    Oh and I found out from my vet that kittens actually do not develope the ability to smell catnip until they are between 9 months to a year old so if the kitten doesn't play with it, thats why.

  8. Cats don't need much...

    -water/food bowl

    -litter box


    -kitten food

    I have bought dozens of cat toys over the years for my dozens of cats and a couple of cats have like a couple of the toys.  Usually I find that toys, beds, scratching posts, and kitty condos are a waste of money.

    Sorry to say this, but I have also never had a cat that used any scratch pad device instead of my furniture.  The vast majority of cats will scratch.  They *need* to.  Unless you declaw them.

    If you agree with declawing, start setting the money aside for it now.

    If you don't, be prepared for a little cat damage on the furniture.

  9. All sounds good to me,

    Cat nip doesn't work on cats under 7 months old but that is just some advise.

    Enjoy your new kitten.

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