
Do i have an infection?[please read]?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike in june i thought i was pregnant as i was having pregnancy symptoms and cramping and never cramp more than 24hrs before my period starts. well it started right on time heavy bleeding and i skipped my period in july but still had cramping almost everyday. i got my period in august 6-11....and im still having pelvic pain. i actually went to get a physical today and told her about this but since im only 17 and dint want my mom to know i really dint elaborate on the situation. [and she acted non chalant i mean it was only a physical] so im wondering...did i have a miscarriage and was not able to pass everything and is now having an infection? or is this an ovarian cyst? please help if you can.




  1. Just about anything is possible.  Don't worry about being only 17... the Dr. can not legally tell your mom anything you tell her.  (Dr./patient confidentiality)  You need to take this matter up more seriously with your Dr. so you know what's going on.  No one on here will be able to diagnose you.

  2. Only a Dr can tell u that... good luck to you....

  3. You need to consult your dr!

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