
Do i have another growth spurt in me?

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I'm 15 years old and i am 181 cm, 5 foot 11 and a bit.Last summer i had a massive growth spurt and grew 6 inches and my back hurt terribly. Since last year ive only grown 3 cms. and i am awaiting another spurt to propel me in to the early 6 feet area, hopefully 6,3. All my family are late bloomers but all my family except cousins and uncles are shorter. Since im only 15 do i still have a few inches in me?




  1. There's no way to really tell. Look at your family history to see how tall your parents/grandparents are. Ask if they went through more than one growth spurt like that.

    I'd imagine you'll continue to grow a bit, but not at the same pace as over your last summer. 5'11'' is an average male height and you could be done growing all together.

  2. You can continue to grow until you are close to 20. But most stop growing before that. Anything is possible, but if you dont grow anymore, 5'11" is a good height.

  3. yes you will your only 15 you got plenty of growing to do you may reach 6ft 3in or 6ft 4in if your family are late bloomers then you will easily break the 6ft mark how tall are your except cousins and and uncles and how tall is your mum and dad is your dads side of the family tall or is it your mums side of the family that's tall

  4. There's absolutely no way to tell.  And I doubt you will have ANOTHER growth spurt as most people don't even have one.  You may grow a bit more but it won't be another massive amount in a short time like you did last summer.  On the other hand, you may have finished growing already.  There's no way to know.

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