
Do i have anxiety??? please answer...?

by  |  earlier

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I live in a sorta bad neighborhood, and every time I'm by myself I'm always looking out the window like every 5 minutes, and when I'm walking around, I'm always looking everywhere like a panic...also when I'm in class, i notice that i get really irritated when one of my teachers keeps explaining thing on and on and i have to talk or move around or do i have have anxiety???




  1. Do you feel as though if you don't look out the window something bad would happen? Do you find yourself unable to concentrate aside from it? You do have anxiety, but I think you might be having a little bit of OCD to combat it. If you can't stop looking out the window every 5 minutes you should look into a psychologist. I used to have it to combat my anxiety, and you don't have to live with it...

    if you live with your parents, talk to them about it...

    if you dont seek some sort of help it just gets worse...

  2. u might have like a.d.d. or like um i know theres a name for it where you worry about stuff alot in your case about someone breaking in or something  

  3. Possibly but your not going to find a definite answer from some stranger on the internet. See a doctor... if you truly suffer from anxiety it will be worth the copay :)

  4. yes you do. Try meditation. If that dose not work try medication.  

  5. yes

  6. yes this anxiety...

  7. no you don't!

  8. Yes.

  9. you sound paranoid

  10. I would say yes, irritability, anxiety, maybe paranoia. Do you have depression? Try different things, like playing music more at home (that relaxes you), lighting candles to put in the windows, or shut the curtains altogether, breathing deeply and slowly...

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