
Do i have any shot at making the Nhl?

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im playing A in a pretty big city and im minor batam but do you think at playing only A I can still make the NHL or is it time to just give up and play hockey without ever thinking i have a future in it?




  1. I guarantee that if you give up, you have absolutely no chance. The only way to make it is to go for it. Can't guarantee anything else.

  2. be a wuss like crosby and youl have a chance

  3. keep trying dude don`t give up

  4. da if thats wut u believe then thats but u'll get. even if ur not good right now and have no chance of making the NHL, if u keep playing and practicing, u will make it. just keep playing the game  and don't give up on it. then at the end, see where it takes you.

  5. u have as much a chance as someone one an a major team.. kinda.. just keep working hard and really push urself at tryouts nxt year

  6. most likely not because most players get scouted on AAA teams in pewee and once you get to midget if you don't play AAA there's virtually no chance

  7. you probably need to find a way to get on the ice 7 days, maybe 6 days a week from now on if you really want it. its a price to pay, but as they say hard work pays off.

  8. If you can give me your league, stats over the last 2 seasons, and age, I can give you a ballpark idea of what I think.

  9. If you are asking us then I would say you arent considered a prospect at this point. Most kids your age know somewhat where they stand and what needs to be done, this doesnt mean you cant keep working on your game and improving enough to become a prospect. I would suggest working hard, listening to the coaches and no matter how you feel keep putting in the work. It is better to have given 100% and know you arent quite good enough than to spend the rest of your life wondering "what if". Many a kid has broken through at an older age through hard work and perserverance, you owe it to yourself to at least put the work in. Even if you end up with a college offer at best then you will have "made it" in the truest sense, your hard work will have set up your future. And if nothing else you will have a work ethic that is lacking in todays society, a great advantage to have entering the working world.

  10. just think there are millions of people who want to be in the NHL.also there are a lot of people in europe and asia who could be better than you.i'm just saying the chances are maybe 2,000,000 to 1.

  11. heres what you need to do look i play roller hockey and only been ice skating once i dont think im gonna make it but i never give up look all im saying chase your dream that what you need to do

  12. you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it

  13. play one year of midgets the go straight to junior. work your way up the junior ranks and look to get a schloarship from a respected d1 school or signed to a major jr team by 17.

  14. just practice hard

  15. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRSCTICE then maybe you will

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