
Do i have any star quality?

by  |  earlier

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hahaha that sounds weird, but i mean i really want to model even though i'm kinda short.

anyways does anybody notice anything about me from pictures that would make you want to hire me. my mom told me that before i can go to any agencies i have to figure out what makes me pop?? haaaha i know, just need some opinions!

full body

these are just some random myspace pics, but tell me what you think pleaseee:)




  1. probably. idk ur super pretty but if ur short idk if thats a very good thing but i guess if u have a good walk and take really good pictures then u would be fine. good luck =D

  2. At that height, you'll never be a runway model. Sorry. That's just the way it is. Sucks, I know. [I'm a shortie too. lol]

    But, you could be a major commercial model. Your eyes are gorgeous and your facial structure is to die for.

    Have you thought about acting?

    You look like more of an actress rather than a model to me. That's not an insult. I promise. You just look like an actress.

  3. ya u could totally model! ur really pretty btw! :)

  4. ahah ur really cute..! i can imagine you being a model because u have the looks, the body,and i really love your eyes. i think your eyes really make you "pop" lol. i mean, id hire you!

    hope i helped!!

  5. Your a very pretty girl.

    The eyebrows need to be thicker though :\

    I think you have a catalog potential.

    Runway..Eh..I dont know about..Because you said you were short.

  6. Ur eyes are georgous!

  7. hey, i think you're really pretty.

    i don't know much about modeling, but my boyfriend's a model.

    i think you could be one!

    my favorite picture is the one of you in the blue dress.

    it looks very natural.

    the kissy face pics are cute, but they don't stand out much.

    i think you're eyes and smile *pop* the most.

    contact some local agencies.

    just watch out for scams, and my bf says to never agree to anything that costs a lot of money upfront.

    also, make sure to go somewhere that will take a lot of very nice pictures for your comp card.

    good luck!

    if you want it badly, you'll go places.  

  8. I think you are good with a camera, I think when you go to model, dress a little more like a grown up. Not too much, but dress to enhance your body shape.

    You have great eyes, and tell them you work well with others. And dont be bossy, be humble. People only cast people they enjoy working with... so make sure you are likeable.

  9. dont put pics up like that, i think your to young to model and to have pics on the internet

  10. yea you could be a model!! you dont need to be a certain size some of my friends are models and some are small and tall!!! your very pretty just go for it! youl never know unless you try ...

  11. I think you do. My gf was under 5 foot and a model for swimwear.

    I think you are...also, I will give you a star.

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