
Do i have bipolar disorder or clinical depression?

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or something worse?

i'm angry all the time have high mania low depression delusions and i get freaked out sometimes i think things like faces scare me on the computer like they're coming to get me. im really stressed. very. everyone is ignoring me. i don't cut myself but i stick something sharp into my skin and the scars go away in a day or 2 or 3. it just makes my arm red like i have a rash. i feel i always have to do this cuz im so stressed. i have like no life but im afraid to cuz like im afraid i'll change into a killer or something. i think that's my ocd. it can be anything like i could have someone's eyes or face or mouth be anyone but me.




  1. You need to see a doctor because there are medications that can help you.  I have a friend who has a foster daughter with bi-polar and it is more common than you think.  She was very suicidal and destructive.  Today she doesn't have a relationship with her biological parents because she suffered abuse.  She has a foster mom, who is single with no other kids and is able to give her the one on one attention she needs.  There are options for you out there and you deserve to be happy too.

  2. Get help.

    its not clinical depression or bipolar disorder, not yet.

    anxiety, and possibly mild depression.

    talk to a doctor, go to hospital and tell them about the pain your causing yourself, both pysically and verbally.

    you need to sort this out, soon.

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