
Do i have carpal tunnel??

by  |  earlier

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well i know to really know if i have it i need to go to the doctor. but i play a lot of instruments but mainly violin. today i was practicing my violin for about an hour and my wrist started getting really stiff. earlier this week i noticed when i was playing the piano my wrist was hurting too. right now i have a bag of ice of it. there is a sharp pain when i turn my hand. it is kind of tingly and it feels like its asleep like I'm loosing circulation. the thing is I'm only 14 years old and playing the violin for 4 years now. i will be a freshman this year. if i go to the doctors i and if i have it i wont be able to play my violin and this is a very important year for me with auditions and what not, i cant afford to loose any practice. but if i don't get it treated if i do have it i will have some serious problems when I'm older. do you think i could have it? i know that it can be from patterns of movement from every day activities and since you use your wrists alot in playing the violin. it is my right wrist that hurts. but it moves up into my arm a little bit and into my palm. what should i do? i really really appreciate any help you could offer me. thank you. it is 2:50am right now. i had troble finding a confortable postiion to put my wrist at so i couldnt sleep. my parents are alseep right now so there is not much i can do for my self.




  1. you don't have carpel tunnel cuz carpel tunnel is when your thumb, pointing finger and alf you index finger hurt you may have pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve in the morning id go to a doctor and have it checked out

  2. ~ Hi ~ ! I'm sorry your experiencing so much pain, numbness and tingling. By, the symptoms you describe it sounds possible that it could be Carpal  Tunnel Syndrome, but there are other possible issues that could be causing the pain. Here is a link with symptoms of Carpel Tunnel:

    I think the important thing to remember is the sooner you get treatment for whatever is going on with your wrist the better it will be for you music practice schedule. Generally, Doctor's like to treat provide conservative measures to treat your wrist and possibly Physical Therapy (which can ONLY be beneficial). The important thing is to not avoid getting medical attention, because you could inadvertently end up causing more injury to your wrist  (which could end up disrupting your musical schedule longer).

    I realize you're scared. But, at this point you may just be letting your fear get the best of you. I think you need to let your parents know what's going on and get an appointment to see your Doctor, so he or she can diagnose the cause of pain and properly treat you. I can't tell you the number of I've times I've feared the WORSE outcome, but turned out to be relieved by outcome. So, try to relax and see your Doctor for a proper diagnosis.

    I hope you get relief from the pain soon. Good luck with your music.  

  3. sounds like it, also sounds like you are practising TOO MUCH

    it's up to you. At this stage reducing the amount of practise will ease the condition and if you are sensible about how /how much you use your wrist you may be alright. The treatment for carpal tunnel is to stop what is causing it. Once you have overdone it for too long the treatment becomes an operation. So carry on playing like you are and ruin your wrist for life or ease up.

    Please don't be pressured by anyone (including yourself) it's not worth your health.

  4. it sounds like it could me,  it usually will affect the 2 or 3 middle fingers but not the little finger.

    It can be easily treated but you do need to get treatment ASAP so I would suggest you see your doctor - what you do not want is damage that is irreversible.

    I found the best thing to do at  night was to splint it up and than wrap with a bandage - what you need to try and do is keep it completely straight at night.

    You could also try putting an ice pack (or bag of veg on it)  this can reduce any swelling.

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