
Do i have enough time?!!!?

by Guest65416  |  earlier

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so for school i need to finish a 300 pg book im almost half way done but then i need to review it and look over 2 books i read last yr for a huge english essay on the first day of school! then i need to review all my math from last year cuz i have a test on the first day of school to see if im still in the honors math program. also im taking the act sept 13 and have never taken or studied for it and the Sat is coming up to. do i have enough time to study for these things if school starts sept 4th, but this weekend i have to work all sat and sun and both those nights are my friends birthdays so today im getting gifts, also i need a day to go fishing with my dad, i promised i would when school got out, i havent had time. pls help do i have enough time or is this impossible? btw im an incoming hs senior




  1. I think your dad would understand if you didn't go fishing.  You have an important deadline and need to prioritize fast!  You really not have enough time, but do the best you can.  Also, tell your friends of you situation and see if getting their present to them later would be okay since you are struggling to find time to study.  If they are real friends, I'm sure they won't mind.  

  2. You need some time to study, but you aren't going to be able to study 24/7 anyway. You will need some relaxing time. And basically I can hear the worry in the question.

    Remember, what you know, you KNOW.... You will get it with just a little brushing up and a good study/cheat sheet that goes with you on the way to class, but not needed during the test. (I've done this tons of times. I take good abbreviated notes and write formulas on the sheet. I look them over until class or test time. Then I leave the sheet in the backpack.)  The whole idea is to have the info fresh in your mind. Believe me I am not advocating cheating.. it is never worth it.

  3. Yeah theirs always time.

  4. Nobody can tell you if you have enough time for that...

    You have to try for yourself.

    Make a schedule... Get off Yahoo and start reading.

  5. It does seem pretty overwhelming, but you can pull it off if you have a game plan. Manage your time wisely, and don't put a second to waste.

  6. god...

  7. Get the footnotes if you don't have the time.  It'll give you a nice summary to go off of.

  8. No.  You do not have enough time!  But what to do???

    You need to get off the computer, read the book, write the report.  Then study for your honors class (thereby helping study for the ACT).  You also need to get the ACT book and get to work.  Make a schedule out, fill in study, work, eating and sleeping.  Cut everything else out (that is what happens when you procrastinate) and get busy.

    Dad and friends (to a lesser degree the friends) will get over it.  Tell them you will do something special after school starts (when you will still be studying, working and doing the ACT studying), but will not be procrastinating anymore.

    Now, off the computer, do the schedule and do not procrastinate anymore!

  9. I think you should set aside time every night to do your work, and it would probably give you enough time to go fishing with your dad. Just don't try to put it off any longer or to try and do it all in one day (that might freak you out)  

  10. so why are you wasting your time on the computer?  a 300 pg book is not that bad.  stay up a bit later to finish it.  your math test probably won't be that bad.  just an hour or two and you should be good.  i studied for my Sat's just 3 days before the test, so you should be fine.

  11. you got two weeks, pull a couple all nighters and you'll be fine. Worst comes to worst, just cut some of your other activities if you have to.  After all, you did have the whole summer to prepare and you chose not to =P

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