i have a close boy mate well hes more like a bestfriend.
i used to have our friends saying he loved me and he even said hes self.
we would contantly be round each other always cuddling and talking by our self and people always used to say to us why dont you to get together, but i only saw him as a friend.
my friends and i used to have little house partys and it would always end up with me and him cuddling and flirting, and us falling alseep together with me in hes arms, i never thought i would like him but i must of had something there for me to have always flirted and cuddled alot with him.
we used to always talk on msn and he would tell me he loved me i found it hard to beleive as i found him just as a friend nothing more, then he would talk about kissing me and i would say dont be silly.
then months past and i got myself a boyfriend, he found it hard to come to terms with it but he came across it as he saw me really happy, then me and my boyfriend broke up and he hated it as i was down all the time so he threw a sleep over for me and my friend victoria with a nother boy to take my mind of it and just have fun, but that turned to a arugment as i seemed to him as flirting with a boy, and he said a nasty comment to me which my friend said he was jelous over it, so i got drunk on my own and passed out on the sofa, my other 2 friends went to sleep and i woke up and found my best friend awake he said he was sorry for the comment and we sat watching a film, as i rolled over on the sofa were we was laying with each other i closed my eyes to go to sleep so he put hes head down and closed hes eyes to, as i was driffting of i felt hes lips pressing agenst mine, first i didnt thing nothing of it just thought it was kinda squashy tell he opend hes eyes and i opened mine, we looked each other for couple seconds and we kissed a peck on each other lips then it led into a long passionate song what lasted 20mins he stoped and asked am i sure about it and i didnt hesitate and carried on..
(what i dont get as i only just broken up a week after). the next morning we both smiled each other , then i got home and i soon regreted it as my ex texted me teling me he still loved me and i got back with him... but im worried incase i still have feelings for my best friend,as i get jelous when my best friends around girls cuddling them and flirting even when he gets a gf,
does anyone think from reading this that i sound like i have feelings for him?
i hope this makes sence lol.