
Do i have hpv or hemorrhoids, and where can i go to get tested? ?

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i'm a g*y male in my early 20s. i've had issues with hemorrhoids since my late teens, but mostly external ones. lately, though, i've had some pain internally, and am not sure what the problem is. for some reason i'm scared that i have HPV. i'm normally very safe (have had maybe a couple risky encounters, none recently). i've heard that genital warts to not hurt, and the problem that i have is causing me pain, particularly when i go to the bathroom.

i want to go get tested, and to have a doctor take a look and make a diagnosis. i called a few clinics but they said they don't do hpv screenings for male patients. is this something i can see a regular doctor about if i go in for a check up?

i'm freaking out about what the problem is and what my next move should be.




  1. Genital warts don't hurt.  They do look like odd growths on the outside of your r****m, s*****m and p***s.

    If you are having pain when you go to the bathroom, it could be that your hemorrhoids have gotten bigger, internally and are irritated when you defecate.  If there is blood after defecation, then likely you have big hemorrhoids.

    However, you may also have something called a fistula, which is a tear in the rectal mucosa, which can get stool inside and become infected.  That can cause a great deal of pain.  Sometimes they are also associated with abscesses, which also hurt.

    Your doc needs to do a rectal exam on you, possibly even a sigmoidoscopy, to examine the mucosa inside your r****m to see the cause of your problem.  If you have an abscess, or a fistula, he'll likely refer you to a surgeon to take care of it.

    I must warn you that fistulas are hard to heal, so the sooner you get looked at the better.

  2. whichever problem you have there is an effective treatment. for your hemorrhoids you can use venapro, it worked very well when i had them myself, and for hpv or genital warts you can use wartrol if you do in fact have warts, it stops the spread and growth of the warts, you can get both of them from this website but i'd definitely get the venapro if you have problems with hemorrhoids  

  3. It could also be an anl fissure. It is especially common in folks that have anal s*x or constipation and can cause the same pain you describe. Just in my opinion, it does not sound like HPV. Call and schedule an appt with a physician. I know you want reassurance, but just go to be safe. I am willing to bet it is a fissure. Your doctor will do a very quick rectal exam to find out. Don't delay. Good luck !

    ***Just read heogog's answer & I agree 110%. Fistulas and fissures are the same thing. You symptoms sure sound like either hemi's or a fissure/fistuala.

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