
Do i have liver damage?

by  |  earlier

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Do i have liver damage?




  1. yes

  2. you have to give more info, such as what have you done that would make u think this, and you need blood test results (liver enzymes) and possibly a liver ultra-sound to confirm whether or not your liver is damaged; if all these tests are bad, then they might recommend a liver biopsy to confirm

  3. Go to your doctor...have a blood test and find out.

  4. They call the liver the uncomplaining organ. You can cause a lot of damage without "apparent" affects. Some early symptoms are itching and changes in bowel color (either dark or light).

  5. I don't know. Go to the doctor and have your liver function tested (blood) in the mean time, don't drink any alcohol, including beer. Avoid corn chips and Tylenol. cut back on your intake of fd&c red #40. Also get tested for hepatitis.

  6. Is that a riddle?  Is it a question?  

    How on earth can anyone know if you have liver damage.  You gave no other information.

    Maybe you should ask God that question.  He's the only one who would know that with the info. you gave -- or, should I say, with the info. you didn't give.

    You wasted 5 points on that?!?

  7. Um yes I believe you do......  

  8. Could you elaborate on your question? Why would you think that?

  9. prolly not... do you feel like you have liver damage???

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