
Do i have neck cancer or a tumor or is it an infection ?

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i have a lymph nod (i think behind) my ear. My upper neck is swollen and my teeth hurt. All this is on my left except my teeth pain is it NECK CANCER or is it just an infection help




  1. You do not say how old you are or why you suspect you have cancer?

    It sounds more like you have a swollen lymph node.

    You may have a problem with your teeth. Have you seen your dentist?

    You may have a sinus infection, an ear infection, or there maybe just a swollen node.

    Lymph nodes will swell for different reasons-it is the bodies own mechanism to fight of something foreign with in the body.

    Are you having a fever?

    I would suggest that you add some extra vitamin C- no more then 500 mg at a time-your body can only absorb that much at one time.

    Place a warn heating pad or wash cloth on the side of your neck.

    If with in a 5-7 day period this has not resolved it self, you might want to have your doctor take a look at it.

    Good luck to you.

  2. go to consult your family doctor as soon as possible

  3. you might want to go to an ear nose and throat doctor that specializes in head and neck surgery. they are called ontoroligist-(sorry for the misspelling) but you also have a PAROTID GLAND in the same area. part of the salvatory glands. you do need a specialist for this because it is misdiagnosed without a specialist. i had this type tumor (parotid) and my neck and behind my ear was swollen and had pain in it. if it is a tumor it will continue to grow and possibly be cancer. mine was on the left side also but by the grace of GOD it was benign as was a brain tumor removed 2 months before the parotid tumor was removed in feb 08 and june 08. they found both tumors with an MRI . but go to a specialist and have it checked out . it is called a PAROTIDECTOMY if its a tumor like mine. if you dont have insurance check with your local hospital or health office and ask if they have an indigent program to help pay for the services. thats what i had to do and i live in new mexico. it only pays a very small percentage of actual hospital bill BUT it helped save my life (literally) . good luck to you

  4. Sounds like an infection. There is a lymph node in that exact spot that often swells and hurts with infections. This could be causing you toothaches, but you could also have an infected tooth. Depending on how old you are, this is popular symptoms for wisdom teeth problems. If your dental checks aren't up to date get it checked out. You would most likely be running a fever if it was something bacterial like strep throat, etc. It may just be a viral cold. If nothing checks out go see your doc. Take a multivitamin and some vit C to help boost your immune system.

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