
Do i have schitzophrenia or major alcohol withdral. im scared?

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im 19 and lately for the past week always at night time i have a very strange, extremely vivid dream that always results me in waking up, and once i have awaken im hearing things and seeing things that arnt there. i feel very scared. im 19 by the way. this just started happening. last week i drank an extremely dangerous amount of to the point where i was blinded by the literally. and to the point where i would wake up the next day and feel extremely drunk. the second day i woke up with a very psychedelic/ hallucinatory dream..i woke up and i was hearing songs and ringtones in my head..and everytime i heard a ring tone i became paranoid as **** in my room and scared for no reason at all. shadows began moving around..the 4rth night..i saw a fairy on my door..i imagined..or "hallucinated" and saw a vivid image a flying fairy on my closet door. it was sparkely and flying around n ****.. ...TODAY, this evening i drank 2 beers...and i went to sleep i woke up at mid night. nothin. i fall asleep n wake up at 2...f****n i hallucinated and had a phycosis in the dream..woke up i started seeing green sparks flying around in the air, shados started shifting, and i started to become scared and paranoid again for no reason. im goin to the mental health clinic so f****n scared. i wanna drink n party next week with my freinds...but i think its gonna happen again. any comments. has this happend to anyone?




  1. i have bee hella drunk but that has never happened to me. are you sure you did not take anything else other than booze?

    going to a mental health clinic is a wise idea. you'll get your answers there for sure.

  2. Going to the mental health clinic is the best thing you can do. I've never heard of alcohol causing hallucinations, but it could be. It sounds like sleep paralysis, kind of. I don't think schizophrenics usually realize that they're hallucinating. Anyway, that sounds really scary. I hope you can get it figured out and cured.

    edit--I just looked this up and want to correct myself. Alcohol can cause hallucinations. DT's can do it. There's also alcoholic hallucinosis. Both are due to the withdrawal, not the intoxication it seems. Which would make sense since you were still drunk the first day, and then hallucinated the second day.

  3. First thing is you should def see a doc/psychiatrist about this as it is and can turn into a very serious matter. Second, I myself, abused alcohol for like 3 weeks and what it left me with was horrible insomnia and terrible anxiety and panic attacks. Im sure this was from the alcohol. Its been 4 months now since i quit and im still not back to normal. I am going thru tests and stuff, and i really urge you to do the same.

    You could have a chemical imbalance such as serotonin or you have to much cortisol or something else. you need to go get yourself checked.  

  4. I am a recovering alcoholic and I have had lots of experiences with DTs.

    Normally hard core daily drinkers get DTs. Delerium Tremors. It also comes with extreme shaking. Especially in the hands. If you think you are having DTs, you should go to the ER. Alcoholics have died ftom DTs. At the hospital they will give you a type of benzodiazapine like valium or Xanax if they think you are experiencing DTs.  DTs can go on usually for about a week. At least for me they did. You should go to the hospital regardless of what you think you have. Hallucinations should be taken seriously!  The hallucinations from DTs are very vivid and seem real.  They are scary as ****. You should seek help now at the ER and they will help with the hallucinations for tonight and the mental health center can help you more tomorrow. Take Care.

  5. while scary, yes.. I say relax and enjoy it! Only legal hallucinations you will ever have. however quit drinking your 19.  

  6. see a psychiatrist ASAP! He may be able to prescribe something to calm you down and stop the hallucinations.

  7. you have brain damage of some sort.

    tell personality # 2 to call the doctor and make and appointment right away

  8. simple, stop drinking and ull see how all ur probs will be fixed. when u drink alchohol its not like u drink it and the next day its gone, it messes with ur mind u should try drinking like pop or juice or something

  9. I know it will be hard but DO NOT drink alcohol.  It will ruin you.  some people just have the wrong chemistry to process it.  I'd play it safe and steer clear.

  10. my moms schitzo. and she wouldnt walk across

    a rug one night because she thought demons would come out of it.


    they have magnifficent medications that make you normal

    you'll probably be on risperadol and benztrophine [sp?]


    see your doctor first

    see what he has to say

  11. There Is Somethin Wrong

    Dont Know What It Would Be Called Though

    Visit The Doctors Though(Y)

  12. maybe somebody spiked your drink?

    If you were THAT drunk you wouldn't have noticed...

    Or your still drunk now. It has different effects on different people. Lets just hope you didn't drink too much you have caused yourself brain damage. I dont want to scare you but it could be a possibility.

    It has happened before...


    Peace out!

  13. For people to experience hallucinations during alcohol withdrawal they usually have to drink heavily, daily for several months.  Alcohol withdrawal hallucinations will occur throughout the day not just upon awakening or falling asleep.  Plus there will be other symptoms of withdrawal such as shakiness, sweating, anxiety, increased heart rate, nausea, lack of appetite, etc.  Hallucinations in schizophrenia are persistent and occur frequently when the person is wide awake.  What I think you may be experiencing are hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations.  These are false perceptions that occur while falling asleep or immediately upon awakening.  They are common and considered normal.  If they only occur in the time between sleep and full wakefulness (and you don't have any other symptoms) then this is likely what they are.  The heavy alcohol use also could be exacerbating these hypnopompic hallucinations.

  14. First you may want to understand that alcohol changes the chemical balance of the brain. It also kill neurons by the millions. One will display all the symptomatic of Schizophrenia. It is misdiagnosed very often, and psychotropic drugs are prescribed. This last bout with alcohol could have killed you, and I would think you are now sensitized. That is when the cell organelles are mutated, and you no longer can drink, in other words you become a alcoholic. I could say so much more but really don't think it would do any good. I worked in substance abuse for 30 years and have seen this so often.  

  15. were you drinking absinthe? that would be the only thing i can think of.

  16. Drugs and liquor can cause experiences like the ones you're experiencing. It is unlikely that you're schizophrenic if this is the first time you've experienced hallucinations and things that aren't there - however, schizophrenia can be induced from using certain drugs. I had an uncle who developed schizophrenia from years of drug and alcohol abuse.

    You're doing the right thing by seeking help from a mental health clinic. They should help you figure out what's wrong. Be honest with them about what you're been experiencing and please, seriously, stay away from the drinking and the partying. It's obviously doing you a major disservice.  

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