
Do i have s*x, everyone else is. I am 13 year old ! =] Thankyou ?

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Well, everyone in my year, year nine nearly, is having s*x and participating in 4-play. I don't know what to do because i don't want to be the odd one out, although i have been taught to have more self respect for myself, as i am not wanting to be called a slag etc. please help ! ( i am 13 years old btw )




  1. Yes

  2. i was in this situation and trust they actually r doing it but not that many people will judge u if u don't and it not worth the risks i did it and just wait it not worth it  

  3. its fine you should lol jus dont be addicted and become like some girls that need it and S****y and all lol  

  4. i had s*x and 12. and now im pregnant,.

    no ******* joke.

    im ******* PREGNANT! and now i gotta find a way to tell my parents.

    idk what to say to dem.

    i dnt want to see another girl end up lik me..plz dnt.

  5. You know the answer to this is you were taught to have more self respect for yourself. You basically just said it your self, if you have s*x at this age just because everyone else does, you will show that you wont have self respect, and let me tell you hun, you wont have anyone elses respect either. Its better to be made fun of because you arent giving it up to be like everyone else that to be called a s**t or be raising a baby at 13.

  6. you don't have do what everybody else is doing, if you don't want to you shouldn't and i'm sure that when your older you'll be happy with your decision.  

  7. wow your just going to ruin your life if you have s*x at this age! thats sick tell your friend to keep the vages in their pants  

  8. i think the best is s*x with the guys cool

  9. not everyone is doing it lots of people are probably lying about it and who give a S**t about what anyone else does

    also how do you know they want to have s*x with you

    no one will call you a "slag" i think you mean s**t btw

    but just ur probably not ready and if you arent dont do it

    who cares about being the odd one out which you probably arent anyways

  10. O c'mon girl. You should not do that in this age. I am 15 and my friends also used to take me to this type of foolishness, but I never heard to them. Friends are good, but when they are teaching you something bad, you should not listen to them. You should not do s*x before you get married or at least you turn 18 (or any legal age in your country). And you said that everyone is doing this. Remember everyone is not doing this. You can't say that everyone is doing this in your age. You can't say that everyone is bad. Yeah, some people might have done this but after that, they would have regretted.

  11. My nieces are 13 and they aren't having s*x so obviously "everybody" isn't having s*x at 13.  Think about this, s*x is what causes pregnancies, if you get pregnant at 13 you certainly will be the "odd one out" because all of your friends will be doing things that 13 year old KIDS do and you will have to grow up and be a mom at 13 and do what MOMS do.  You won't be able to go to sleep overs, parties, school functions, you won't be able to "hang" with your friends.  You won't be able to go to the mall or the movies because you will be too busy tending to you baby, changing diapers, feeding, rocking, trying to console a colicy, whiny, cranky baby.  Think about it.

  12. don't do it!! when the time is right you will know

  13. wtf!? why the h**l would you want to do that!?

    pregnancy at 13, tisk tisk


  14. No, don't do it. You need to hang on to your virginity until you are old enough for the consciouses, which is pregnancy, diseases, aids, etc. Plus you want it to be special. Save it for your wedding night. Not everyone is doing it, they just talk. You need to finds some friends that aren't doing it and stick together.  

  15. Well first, everyone is NOT doing it.  It may seem like it, but not everyone is.  Who cares what everyone else is doing anyway.  You need to do what is best for you.  And that means not having s*x yet.  Do you really want to worry about pregnancy and STDs and things like that?  Teens don't really think of all the consequences when they do things.  You shoudl just enjoy life and hang out with your friends, get involved in sports or music or something and forget about s*x.  There will be plenty of time for s*x when you are older and are more able to handle the consequences.

  16. Uh, one word, two letters:


    It's dumb to have s*x at age 13!! Use your common sense girl!! Save yourself for marriage.

  17. No, no, no!! Don't have s*x, you will only regret it. Wait until you are ready for the right reasons!

  18. All the posters here have given you good advice. First off I doubt

    that all the people in your 9th grade are having s*x. They may claim they are but they are lying as kids of your age will do to make themselves look like they are cool. You are too young to be having

    s*x or engaging in foreplay.  If you want to be really cool don't be

    like everyone else be yourself. The fact that you realize that if you

    do do this sort of thing you will be branded as a slag indicates you

    know this is the wrong thing to do. Believe me when I say that once

    you get that reputation it is with you for the rest of your school life

    and beyond.  

  19. You are your own person. As you grow older, you will respected because you listened to yourself and not other people. Do what you feel is best! Respect yourself, respect your body, and never do anything that you do not want to do. And if you the feeling overcomes you, imagine your parents being in the room!

    1 in 4 teens has a STD, so if you do change your mind please please please use a condom (even for foreplay).  

  20. do it when you feel readii...

  21. Just remember, if they are doing it and youre not, you are better than them, make a promise to yourself that you will not be dragged into such lowlife behaviors.  Stay pure, you are not missing out on anything, they are!!

  22. no, you will regret it

    once you are older you feel proud that you havent had s*x

    wait until marriage, its so much better that way

  23. Dont do it you dont have to do it because everyone else is and its agaisnt the law you need to be 16

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