
Do i have talent...? pls read my poem???

by  |  earlier

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The soul

a solid being of ways unsettled

Hurts unknown, stories untold

Secrets buried

A deep pleasure

Of deceit


Souls a river deeper than the ocean’s depth

A laughing ground

Of presence felt

A precious secret of you and me

A profound place I’ve come to call home


A great place to call home

Soul, an attachment to feeling

An understanding so rare

A prevailing of a concurrent spirit

A perfect embellish of our core

Hidden emotions

Soul, what wisdom you carry

What treasure you are




  1. every one has talent =]

  2. too little rhyme, I afraid, but

    very original and nice !

  3. Talent...yes! I enjoyed your poem. Great style. I hope to read more of your work.

    I started Strong Truths, it's for writers and artists under 29 to collaborate to publish a books and other products. It is the truths of what we see through our eyes, how we feel about life--all that we never say. We may be young but we have much to say. I'd love to read more of your work, I hope you join as a contributor. You can view my sites:

  4. yes very good , keep it up ok .

  5. a pen and the mind

    breathes a soul not everyone

    can feel...

    you're amongst

    the blessed who can ride the quill....

  6. I think it's kinda kwl, but honestly i have no clue if it really is I have no eperience in that.

  7. Very lovely. You should post it on

    Professionals can rate it and you can get feedback and ideas from other poets.  

  8. Yes it is a very good poem, you definelty have a great talent. Carry it on, and don't listen to people that put you down for it, it's a great talent, so keep working on those poems!!


  9. It sounds dark. Everyone has talent. Even though it sounds dark, I still like it. Keep up the good work. Poetry is a nice way to express yourself.

  10. You have a great style, and if you keep working at it, it will get better. Just by reading your poem, it's easy to see that you have potential. If writing it what you love to do, I say go for it, you definitely have the talent.

    It's very captivating, I enjoyed the metaphors. Keep writing if that's what you love. Good luck.  

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