
Do i have tennis elbow?

by  |  earlier

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so i use a wilson kblade kfactor 98 that i just got with zo tour string at 60 tension. when i hit for like thirty minutes and start to serve a really bad pain in my elbow and can barely hold my raquet when i had my palm faced down. it does this until i quit playing and its tottaly fine everywhere and whenever else. do i have tennis elbow or should i just bring the tesion on my raquet down?




  1. If it is only affecting you while playing, it's probably the tension. I would bring it down to a comfortable level.

  2. sounds like it to me. Changing the tension probably would help

  3. Yeah it's certainly tennis elbow. Normally older (30 years +) players get it but it's possible at any age. First off take some time off to rest and recover. You can easily worsen the condition not giving it time to recover.

    I usually go through a cycle of Ice Pack, Warm moist heat (damp towel or bath) and compression (elbow brace). Followed by some massage.

    Give it a week. Then have your swing evaluated for any bad habits that could be the cause. Lower your string tension and lower the pace of your shots. Work your way back up.

    I wouldn't try to go past light hitting for the next several weeks. And after playing ice your elbow and follow with heat and massage.

  4. that's normal in playing tennis

    ya need to tenderly massage your elbow in pain from time to time with vapor rubs or efficascent oils, whichever soothes the pain or relaxes & comforts you more

    playing regularly tends to flexes your elbows that in due time it will be so accustomed & pains will eventually, no longer, be felt.

  5. Ya u have tennis elbow. its not if u r not 35-60. but if u do hav it, it heals in 1 year,

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