
Do i have the right to me mad with people moving in to my Home

by Guest61347  |  earlier

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Okay i live in a 2 Story house and my Mom told me some people, who once lived with us will move in with us .

I have no idea when, and i told her the my Truth i dont want them living her with us becuase they have 2 kids who if they comeback and live here i will go nuts, they just get annoying. I like my house the way it is, i need my space im MY house and my Mom says im not understanding what she needs

What about what need





  1. Well, whats going on in your household, buddy? Do they own the house? Or are they your moms friend in need? The situation should dictate how you should react. If your parents need the money and they're renting out to these people, then why not? If your parents are just trying to help a friend, then thats one of the best lessons you can learn in life; help your friends.  

  2. Talk to her more about it!  You may understand a little better if you do. Is there anyway you can both come together and make rules for the kids to follow if they efinately have to move in. Try to understand what she needs. And ask her to understand you also.  Good luck!

  3. i too understand that but u just have to deal with it cuz ur not the decison maker but u should also thave to figure out the reason ur mom needs them  

  4. I think your mother is not being considerate of your needs. I wonder how old you are. I feel very sorry for you. Can you talk with your father? Its not fair what will happen. Your home should be your sanctuary. I wonder how your mother would feel if your father moved some people in. Can you call a children's advocate at the court? Call for legal advice?

    Well whatever happens, you need to study really hard in school, get good grades to get into a good college so you can get a good job and buy your own place. Then let NO ONE in and enjoy privacy, space and peace. Best wishes

  5. take your meds

  6. I think there's more to this than you just being a spoiled brat.  Maybe your mother needs FINANCIAL help, and this family is able to provide it.  What difference would your "needs" mean to you if you were living homeless on the street?

    Stop being selfish; maybe these people have NOWHERE else to go!!

    Allow me to share a story:

    When I was in the 10th grade, my family of 5 lived in an 8-foot by 50-foot mobile home because that's all my folks could afford.  It was a 2-bedroom, one bath.  My brother and sister and I all shared ONE ROOM (nice for a high schooler, huh?).  Well, one day, a family from our church became homeless and voila!  they were living with us all of a sudden!  TWO extra adults and THREE teenaged boys all sharing that same 400 square feet...that had been barely big enough for the five of us!  AND those boys were all sleeping in that SAME ONE SMALL bedroom I'd been sharing with my brother and sister!

    How's THAT for miserable??!!

    But you know what?  I learned ALL about charity, tolerance, patience, kindness....  

    You just need to put your grown up pants on and deal with it.  Until you're AN ADULT, and you own your own house, you learn to keep your trap shut and do as your parents tell you.  At least you have a frigging house to live in!

  7. i know e.x.a.c.t.l.y how you feel. my dad's gf moved in when they had only been together 6 months and she's nothing but a lazy freeloading mooch who thinks she owns the place and makes the rules. she thinks she can tell me and my sister what to do and my dad doesn't seem to understand the impact it's putting on our relationship.

    if i were you, i'd try not to be mad just yet but you definitely have the right to be uncomfortable with someone invading your space. kids grow out of being annoying but your mom definitely needs to see where you're coming from and be very considerate of your feelings. you're her flesh and blood.

  8. Yes.  Your feelings are your own.  However, you're not making the decision here, so you must learn to deal with it.

  9. Ok it sounds like your mother needs some financial support from renting part of your home, so don't judge her harshly, OK.  As for your feelings, Mad is probobly not the right word, unhappy with having to share your home with these people will be annoying for sure, but this is not your house it is your mothers and her will be done.  So you will just have to make the best of it until you can get your OWN SPACE and then you can say who moves in and who moves out..

    So for now give Mom a break, suck it up, and try to help her through whatever crisis she is having..OK

    You will feel better about yourself after it all blows away..

  10. huh?

  11. Yeah, I'd be comepletely irritated.  I think you definitely have a right to be angry.  But it doesn't seem like there is much that you can do to stop this from happening.  If you are old enough I suggest getting a part time job so that you don't have to be in the house often and also it would help you save up for when you can eventually move out.  Until then just try to respect them, hope that they respect you, and if it is necessary for your sanity to avoid these people, be away from the house as often as you can.

  12. It's not your house, it's your mom's house and she can do with it what she pleases.  If you don't like what she does, you have the option of moving out when you turn 18.  You have the right to feel any emotion you want, but you do not have the right to act on it.  You should be polite to the people who are moving in.  

    Realize this, it is possible that your mom can no longer afford to live in that house.  Would you rather live on the streets?

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