
Do i have to be fake to get a job?

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Why do some employers look for a person that's outgoing, friendly, talkative vs. smart, hard working, professional, reliable employee?

I went to a job interview yesterday and didn't get it (bummer) i lost it to a girl that was sitting down talking to the clients about purses when i was observing how the office was being ran. Me and that girl were the top 2 out of 10 girls that were interviewed and we had a second interview which went very well and the staff invited us to stay for a half an hour to observe how busy it got and if we were up for the challenge. That's exactly what i was doing observing and that other girl was chatting away. . .and got the job! I'm just very disappointed with myself i'm a nice person and take my job very seriously but i guess i just dont have the personality that most employers look for.




  1. She was not necessarily fake. It was what the employer was looking for.

    If you were looking for the way an officer was being run , perhaps you should be looking for a manager type position instead of a sales type position.    

  2. Fake it until you Make it!!!!!!!!

  3. I hear ya ! lound and clear.

    IDK , if you dont got that 'fake' personality thing, it's harder. I would rather have a hard-working, smart, reliable employee over lound, talkative, unreliable employee.

    They will be replacing her position within 3 months...tops.

  4. Employers don’t want fake. They want someone who actually has those traits.

    You can choose a different attitude or look for other jobs.

  5. No matter where you work, the bottom-line is what has to come first, otherwise there would be no company. If she proves to be unreliable or lazy, she will not last long, but that's the risk they have take in order to make sales (or whatever it is she will be doing), which is what their world seems to revolve around. Try for a job with less talk, more work. They will appreciate you there. Maybe you're in the wrong field, maybe you just need to find your niche, or maybe you simply need to find the right company. I'm sorry you weren't chosen, but you need to keep a-trying!!

  6. Most people in my experience do not choose employees based on things that really matter so FAKE IT UP and you are a winner.

  7. Employers look for people that are actively engaged in what's going on around them. Maybe you looked bored, but you just didn't realize it. Quiet can easily be interpreted as a lack of interest. Your competition was making a connection with the staff, making her seem more memorable, friendly, and open. You don't have to be fake, necessarily, just be friendly and genuine; be yourself, but more social. (Maybe more so than usual, but sometimes it pays to be more outgoing in an interview situation).  Simple as that. Good luck next time, though.

  8. Employers want someone who will be happy on the job, as well as make the customers happy as well.

    If you just say quietly, uninvolved with getting connected with customers, then you probably seemed uninterested or unmotivated.  Maybe the job in that sector just isn't for you and you need a desk job to better utilize your skills.

  9. Maybe she had more qualifications then you?  also some employers like friendly people, esp if it customer service

  10. I was in retail management for almost 20 years. Hiring people often has to do with the gut level and very subjective feelings of the hiring manager. You need to be sure you are not giving off negative vibes that ruin your chances. The last thing that the boss wants is to hire another "problem person". They already have enough of those. If they sense that in you then you are disqualified.

    I'm going to tell you the truth here and it may make you mad but I'm trying to save you a lot of lost time on failed interviews. The negative attitude you have in calling the other girl fake is exactly what you need to get rid of.  It signals that you lack self confidence and that is another negative. You are transmitting some negative signals and this is going to hold you back.

    If you need to work on your self image find a Toastmasters group in your area. Dale Carnegie courses would be a good investment for you too. If nothing else pick up a Carnegie book and study that.

    You need to work on you.  You can't control the prospective employer or the other applicants - you can only work on improving you. The improvements that you make in these areas will bubble over into other areas of your life as well.    

  11. depends on the area you are going into.  If you are talking to clients and trying to get them to buy your stuff you want to be personable and talkative and outgoing.  You want to be assure of yourself and not stumbling over your words.  If you don't know the answer dont say you don't know.  tell them you will find out.  

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