
Do i have to be married to adpot my brother kid?

by  |  earlier

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do i have to be married to adpot my brother kid? I live in the state of wisconsin. My brother and his wife lost custody of their child and i was wondering if i have to be married to get custody of this boy.




  1. No.  Unmarried people can adopt too.

  2. i live in wi and i am sure you don't have to be married you need to go and tell the state you want to adopt him and see what you can do to get him they might think you would let him go back considering he is your brother so i would call and check with the state cause i don't believe you have to be married just ask what you have to do to get him...good luck

  3. No you don't have to be married just over 21.

  4. nope

  5. no

  6. go for it that way the child will still be in the family and know their birth parents just dont let him be confused tell him when you and him are ready to know.

  7. No, not at all, infact as a foster care/adoption social worker, I prefer to place with family whenever possible.

    Here's the thing, you have to be ready to protect the child from them. If it is a case of neglect (parents don't take care of the kid properly, but don't abuse him in anyway), courts usually allow visitation under your supervision.

    If there has been abuse...are you prepared to keep your brother and his wife out of your life and that child's life?  By law, you have to.

    Anyway, in my state, as long as you are 21, have a decent living (enough to pay your bills), a suitable house or apartment, no criminal history that involves a child, or felonies less than 5 years DUIs....have a decent daycare plan, and some support you legally have the right to be considered before anyone else.

  8. no  it does not matter if your married or not.

  9. i think you can because you r the nearest blood relation

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