
Do i have to claim the tips i make at sonic?

by  |  earlier

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the manager said its "5.85 plus tips", so does that mean what it says exactly, or does it mean i will have to claim those tips at the end of the night and get less on my paycheck...




  1. $5.85 per hour and tips too. The tips have to be reported to the IRS too.

  2. I worked for H&R Block for 2 years, so I know how to answer you!

    You cannot deduct tips that you split with other workers.  If you keep a daily log of your tips it will make tax time much easier!

    You do have to report your tips to your employer if they total $20 or more in a one month time span.

    IRS Publication 531 should give you some insight on reporting tips.

    If you go to I believe Publication 1244 is the form that you would use to report tips.  It also will give you a chart to help keep track of them.  Tips are included in "universal income" which is what they mean when they ask for wages, salaries, tips, etc.

  3. BEsides that that is not a lot for pay, from what I know it is every night that you get your tips but you make sure you keep track

  4. I don't know anywhere that docks the tips you make from your paycheck. You should be making the 5.85 an hour plus any tips you are given.

    If you find out that isn't the case, I suggest you quit. ASAP.

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