
Do i have to do a sport @ the Academy to be a SEAL?

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hey i plan on going to the naval academy and after i graduate i want to become a SEAL. During my college career i might not do a sport at the Academy. Will i still have a chance to be selected for SEAL training




  1. Everyone will participate in, at a minimum, an intramural sport during each semester at the Academy.  It is mandatory.

    SEAL selection is incredibly competitive at USNA, in the past few years we have had about 25 billets.  There will be SEAL PT and other opportunities to be seen by the SEAL LT on the Yard during your time there.  There will also be a SEAL screener during your 2/C year... this is an extremely important part of the package.  You need top-notch grades, great physical condition, and to do well in the screener to even have a shot of being selected for SEAL training.

  2. you MUST participate in sports.  Our Two Plebes each must do one semester of Boxing and one semester of Wrestling this academic year.  

    yes even the Girls must do Boxing if they are not playing a team Sport.  

  3. one has nothing to do with the other. I believe the academies require thatt you participate in 1 sport at the least asintramuralal level. To be selected for sal training you have to be in top shape.

  4. You will be required to participate in at least one sport team. The sports and Seals have nothing to do with each other. Completely different things.

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