
Do i have to get a prescription for color contacts?

by  |  earlier

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i just want color contact... i don't wear glasses, just want to change my eye color from time to time




  1. Get an eye exam (to test the overall health of your eyes) and ask the doc for the contacts.

  2. You have to have an exam for ANY kind of lenses. Your eyes may not be able to handle contacts.The doctor will tell you if they can or not. Getting ill-fitted contacts can cause many infections to the eyes.

  3. Yup, you do! You can get the cosmetic lenses, but they arent suitable for everyone and can be quite uncomfortable and irritating.

  4. You Can buy contacts on-line w/ out a prescription, however they may hurt your eyes. To buy them in a retail store (LensCrafters, Sears, etc) You do have to have a RX. Contacts come in different shapes, sizes, and brands and the prescription is to assure you will be comfortable with your new eye wear!

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