
Do i have to have a maternity insurance? or get big discount paying in cash??

by Guest57461  |  earlier

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im 5months pregnant.. i just moved here in california..i have my referral from my other OB-GYN..

is it better to negotiate with doctors and hospitals if ill be paying in cash??




  1. Very definately-most OB's and hospitals have discounts for cash. Start checking now, since they will require the funds to be paid by delivery. Make sure you ask about epidurals and the charge for the pediatrician's well-check of the baby after it's born.

    Of course you will need coverage after the baby is born, so start checking with independant agents to see what that will cost.

    Of course, if you or your baby have any complications during your pregnancy, you may need to apply for Medi-cal. If that becomes the issue, usually hospitals can assist with that. But here is the link in case you wanted to check it out now:

  2. Sure, but it's still really expensive.  

    You can't get maternity insurance now that you're pregnant, unless you qualify for welfare insurance (medicaid).

    Also, check into birthing centers - they're usually MUCH cheaper than a hospital.

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