
Do i have to know french to become a Canadian diplomat?

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Do i have know know french if i want to become a Canadian diplomat? That is - represent Canada in the international arena?




  1. no get eglish

  2. Now yes... When I was in China, the Shanghai consulate got kicked out because he could not speak french... So I guess it would be better for you! Also, since french is the diplomatic language by excellence in this world, you better learn it well!!

    This language is full of traps!

    Edit: by the way, bilinguism in diplomatic field in Canada is enforced by a federal law. So you don`t really have a choice. This country is bilingual!!

  3. yes you do, especially since Canada uses the french language, it goes for all the embassies ,the language of that country  is primary in that case .

  4. I sure hope you do!  The term "lingua franca" means the language that most of the educated world speaks. Currently that language is English, but guess what it was before English?  FRENCH--hence the term "lingua franca."

    It's definitely an important language for an internationalist to know.

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