
Do i have to leave in three days?

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my landlord is tring to get me to leave the apartment in three days or he will call the police can he do so and do i have to leave in three days?




  1. Get a lawyer.

    The answer is probably contained in information you didn't supply, such as the reason for the landlord's action.

    First, read the lease. Are you in compliance with all the terms and conditions of the lease? If yes, then the landlord may not have a basis for his actions.

    If no, then what does the lease provide? What does it say about penalties for violation of the lease?

    Second, different jurisdictions have different laws and regulations regarding landlord/tenant relations.

    Usually, as another comment noted, there's usually a court order/action needed. To evict, the landlord takes you to court to have you evicted. It's called "Unlawful Detainer." There's a process he has to follow, even if he's successful. And, honestly, that process often can take 30-90 days.

    Also, that process is often carried out by the Sheriff's department, not the police.

    If you're doing something illegal in your apartment, then the landlord certainly can call the police. And you might end up in jail. However, that process (being arrested, ending up in jail) isn't the same as eviction. You could be arrested and end up in jail, and yet still be a legitimate renter. Happens all the time.

    So, get a lawyer. Or call your city or county government and ask to talk to someone regarding tenant rights.

    Hope that helps.

  2. A 3 day  pay or quit?

    If you refuse to pay your rent after the 3 days he can do an eviction, which takes from 10 to 30 days.

    CA has a fast eviction process, which I love, it takes 10 days before the sheriff gives the boot.

  3. You probably got a "Three Day Notice to Pay (past due rent) or Quit" or to fix some violation of the lease (unauthorized roommate, pet, noise levels...).

    A landlord only does this if he is dead serious so you probably have something of a "history" you are not revealing or the landlord has had some very bad experiences he is reacting to. Nevertheless, this is a legal notice and unless you satisfy its terms you must vacate.

    After the 3-day period has expired the landlord has the right to file an Unlawful Detainer lawsuit in order to evict you and regain possession of the property.

  4. Depending on where you live...there normally has to be a court proceding to evict someone.

  5. No, she is telling only half of the truth.  The 3 day notice means that , if you don't pay in full in 3 days, she has the right to go to court and demand payment.  If you still don't pay, the sheriff will escort you out in 25 days.  She is giving you your 3 day notice.  If you get a letter from the court , attend the court hearing. Even if you didn't pay the rent.  You need to hear what everyone is saying. /

  6. it's normally 30 days notice.... what did you do?

  7. Often they give you a 3 day notice 1st, then they have to do this at least 30 days before your next rent payment is do, after the 4th day they can file an unlawful detainer and it takes about 45 days for the sherrif to show up.Thats how it works in ohio.

  8. He's bluffing hoping that you will leave in 3 days.  In order to get you out he has to follow the law and there is a certain sequence that he has to follow to really get you out.  

    There is usually a 3-day pay or quit notice.  If that doesn't resolve the issue they have to schedule an eviction hearing.  If the judge agrees to the eviction and you still don't leave, then he can show the order to police and they will escort you off the premises.  

    It is illegal for him to change your locks or deny you access during this period of time.  

    good luck!

  9. Have you payed up all your bills? Has he previously warned you? It depends. Do you have a legal lease? If all of the above are yes you really don't have to. If no, you may be in trouble. Do you have any more information

  10. There should be a reason on the 3 day notice that he gave you. Check what it is and try to correct the problem in 3 days.  The LL cannot request the tenant to leave in 3 days without a reason such as fail to pay rent, breach of contract, committed crime, etc. Most of the time is because tenant fail to pay rent, if you pay it within 3 days then you're o.k. otherwise the LL will file to court for eviction. The court then will send you a notice of the hearing date.  Depending on the state, you have to appear at court in certain days to defense for yourself.  If your LL win, the court send a sheriff to lock you out of the unit. The worst is, it'll show a record of eviction on you credit report and you'll be like near to impossible to find a place to rent.

  11. Need some more facts, but in general in the US, a landlord can not just issue a 3 day notice to move or the police will be called, it does not work that way in the US

    First assuming you are a tenant with some type of lease either verbal or written, and the landlord issued a three day pay or quit notice, if so this means in three days if you do not cure the problem the landlord will file in court to legally evict you,

    See in the us, only a court order and a sheriff officer with that court order can legally remove you from the rental, any other actions by the landlord would be considered self help and illegal  

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